Submission Instructions
Each paper should not exceed 6 pages.
- Initial version
- Upload a PDF version of the complete manuscript.
- Once the paper has been "Accepted" or "Accept subject to revision": TO BE ANNOUNCED
- "Accepted subject to revision": Submit a new version of the paper, attaching a pdf explaining all the changes done based on reviewers comments.
- "Accepted": Submit a new version of the paper including all minor changes requested by reviewers, and attaching the proof of payment
- Once the final version will be uploaded in the easychair, we will provide more instructions to generate the final pdf express that will be published in the IEEE-Xplore.
Final accepted papers will be published in the IEEE-Xplorer.
It is mandatory to present the contributions during the Conference.
Deadline: EUROCON 2015 dates
Online Submission System
Each paper should not exceed 6 pages.
Paper Submission And Publication
All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to EUROCON 2015 will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.